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Your Source for Premium Boutique Cigars
SA Cigar Broker is your ultimate destination for the finest selection of boutique cigars. Our carefully curated collection is tailored to meet the discerning tastes of cigar enthusiasts, offering an exquisite range of flavors and profiles. Explore our offerings and elevate your customers cigar experience with us.
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Established in 2019, Drunk Chicken Cigars are handmade in the U.S.A. to create premium flavor profiles. Every combination of tobacco leaf, including the filler, binder, and wrapper, was chosen to produce an assortment of smooth, rich, and savory cigars with a variety of customers in mind. The mission of the Drunk Chicken Cigars family is to produce premium cigars that can be smoked anytime of the day. In fact, our cigars are “Nubalicious”… so good you will smoke it to a nub.
“The Konscious Cigar” is a medium-bodied gem manufactured with Nicaraguan tobacco and wrapped in Habano-Ecuadorian. Very smooth and consistent on the palette… this divine stogie provides hints of cocoa and cedar notes amongst other flavors that you may joyfully uncover. It truly is designed and constructed to be “The Everyday Smoke” Kevin’s dreams are just taking flight! His desire is to transition Konscious Cigars Co. into a global player, leader and innovator by creating a variety of blends and facings that will ultimately…”Ignite Your Konscioussness ”!
Ignite your passion for cigars with Rebellion Cigars and elevate your smoking experience to new heights. Our cigars are meticulously crafted using traditional techniques passed down through generations. Savor the moment and enjoy the richness of each handcrafted cigar. Made from the finest tobaccos, expertly blended to deliver a unique and unforgettable smoking experience. Join the rebellion and experience the epitome of cigar excellence.
At Broncano Cigar Co., we take pride in our commitment to excellence. Our team of skilled artisans and passionate tobacco enthusiasts work tirelessly to produce cigars that are unrivaled in quality and taste. From the selection of the finest tobacco leaves to the delicate rolling process, every step is executed with precision and care. We believe that the art of cigar-making is a true reflection of craftsmanship, and that is why our cigars stand apart from the rest. The Vintage Toro is an expertly crafted cigar, meticulously produced at the esteemed La Aurora factory in March of 2004. This exquisite cigar is elegantly presented in a 5 Count Box, thoughtfully accompanied by Boveda pack, ensuring optimal preservation and freshness.
Cristian Quintana is a fourth-generation cigar enthusiast. He has worked in all areas of the cigar-making process since he was 8 years old, when he would travel to the fields with his father and tend to the tobacco plants. Over the years, he has grown in knowledge of the industry by working with the best of the best, such as Tabacalera Palma, La Aurora and others. In 2009, Cristian established his own cigar production factory called La Quintana, which has been successfully operating to this day. And in 2018 he met, through a mutual friend, his partner and co-founder of Tabacalera Caballeros, Marco Accardi. Since then they began collaborating and in 2022 they decided to start a new company, with the aim of producing great cigars.
Introducing Belmaachi Cigars: Uniting Tradition, Passion, and Unforgettable Flavor. Our unique blends, derived from the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, deliver a captivating experience. Hand rolled with care, our 100% natural cigars embody Cuban tradition, backed by four generations of expertise. Explore our signature cigar, the Gold – Full Flavor, where flavors evolve as you indulge in a truly exceptional smoking journey.
Representation Excludes Michigan
Buried treasure, battle, and sailing high seas, all in the name of unfolding the origin of tobacco, captivated us to create and showcase art of boutique, premium cigars. Welcome to the tale of ADVentura Cigars. ADV is a cooperation between Swiss retailer, tobacconist, marketer, sommelier, Marcel Knobel, and the youngest master blender in the industry out of the Dominican Republic, Henderson Ventura. With SWISS PRECISION AND DOMINICAN PASSION, they Explore, Navigate, Conquer, and return back with a gift for the Queen and for the King with The Royal Return. The next chapter turns a bit darker and more aggressive with the NEW Barbarroja’s Invasion. If there’s one thing we can say about ADV, “We’re Here to Stay.”
The Legend Continues. Legendary NFL superstar, marketing genius, and cigar aficionado, Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson appreciates four things in life – FiFa, McDonald’s, spreading love throughout the world and smoking an amazing cigar. Chad’s passion for cigars inspired him to create his own collection — known to the world as Eighty5 Cigars. Chad fully immersed himself into the production of Eighty5 Cigars, which captures his engaging personality while providing a one-of-a-kind smoking experience. He also traveled overseas to source tobacco, curate blends, and partner with master rollers to ensure that every detail within his cigars are a representation of premium quality and rich tradition. The world knows that Chad gives his full heart and passion into everything that he does, and Eighty5 Cigars is his gift to the world. Legendary is Forever.
Welcome to Cigar Ambassador, a name that resonates with excellence and tradition in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 2005 our journey began as a beacon of knowledge with a dedicated cigar magazine, quickly establishing ourselves as connoisseurs in the field. Our passion for cigars soon led us to expand our horizons, opening luxurious cigar clubs and duty-free stores across Asia, including notable locations in Shanghai and Macau. These establishments became the epitome of class and sophistication, offering an exclusive experience to cigar enthusiasts. In 2019,we embarked on a pivotal venture, diving into the heart of cigar craftsmanship by acquiring, exporting, and planting our own cigar tobacco leaves. This bold move was complemented by the establishment of our own tobacco processing factory in Tamboril, Dominican Republic, a region renowned for its exceptional cigar manufacturing. Our ambition didn't stop there. Around the same time, we launched our very own cigar brand, Tobacco Queen, a brand that quickly became synonymous with quality and luxury. Our factory in Tamboril, where Tobacco Queen is crafted, stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence in cigar making. Embracing our growing expertise and success, 2023 marked a significant milestone for us. We expanded our brand portfolio with two new, exquisite cigar brands. In Nicaragua, we inaugurated a factory and introduced Luz de Masalla, a brand that captures the unique essence and flavors of Nicaraguan tobacco. Meanwhile, in Honduras, our factory began producing Leyenda de Copan, a brand that embodies the rich history and tradition of Honduran cigar craftsmanship. Today, we proudly bring together these three exceptional brands under the umbrella of Cigar Ambassador Presents. Each brand, with its distinct character and heritage, contributes to our overarching vision of offering unmatched quality and an extraordinary smoking experience to aficionados worldwide. Join us in celebrating the art of cigar making, where tradition meets innovation, and every puff is a journey through history and flavor. Cigar Ambassador, where every cigar tells a story.
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